⌂ /Law/Law stubs
- 2021 International Court of Justice judges election
- Abuse of rights
- Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual
- Acknowledgment (law)
- Acta Curiae
- Act for Regulating Surveyors
- Adhesion procedure
- ADI 3510
- Admissibility (ECHR)
- Adoption home study
- Adult adoption
- Advisory Committee on Statute Law
- Advocacy and incitement
- Affectio societatis
- Age limit
- Aggregate effects doctrine
- Agricultural law
- Alison Foster
- Allocatur
- Amendment to allege use
- An Act for Regulating the Parishes
- Animo
- Antedated contract
- Antejuramentum
- Arbitration Act 1950
- Arrest without warrant
- Article 7A (New York City housing code)
- Associate justice
- Association for Law, Property and Society
- Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities
- Avowry
- Bagir Manan
- Baidu Patents
- Bailiwick
- Barbados Bar Association
- Basic Constitutional Charter on the Independence and Sovereignty of the Republic of Slovenia
- Bellwether trial
- Bench memorandum
- Beneficial use
- Beneficiary
- Bermuda Bar Association
- Beware of the dog
- Body image law
- Bonus clause
- Borde costero
- Borgarting
- Brandeis Award (litigation)
- Brian Andre Doyle
- Broadcasting rights
- Brooke Amendment
- Bucharest Court of Appeal
- Business Names Registration Act 2011
- Business necessity
- CanLII
- Cannabis in Cuba
- Canon law of the Anglican Communion
- Capital punishment in Fiji
- Capital punishment in Grenada
- Case stated
- Center for Policing Equity
- Certificate of appealability
- Certificate of public convenience and necessity
- Cert-money
- Charles Mantell
- Children used by adults in the commission of crime
- Child support in Israel
- Citizenship test
- City court
- Civil Code of Paraguay
- Clerical error
- Clinger–Cohen Act
- Closing argument
- Coastal state
- Collateral warranty
- Collectors, Shooters and Hunters
- Colony (Poland)
- Commencement of proceedings in Jersey law
- Company registration in Ghana
- Competing harms
- Compulsory prosecution
- Computation of time (law)
- Computo
- Concluding observations on the second periodic report of the Holy See
- Concurrent intent
- Conditional dismissal
- Condolence ceremony
- Conservator of the peace
- Contingency operation
- Continuing trespass
- Contractualism
- Contractual Remedies Act 1979
- Conveyancer
- Cooling-off period (consumer rights)
- Copyright in Bermuda
- Copyright law of North Korea
- Corporation counsel
- Corpus separatum
- Court of Appeal for Southern Norrland
- Court of Appeal for Western Sweden
- Court of Common Pleas
- Court of Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland)
- Courts of Guam
- Courts of Metropolitan Magistrates
- Creative work
- Credit card kiting
- Crimes of indecency in Scots law
- Criminal appeal
- Criminal costs
- Criminal orders (Nazi Germany)
- Criminal referral
- Crown prosecutor
- Crumbling skull rule
- Cundy v Le Cocq
- Cure or quit
- Darfur war crimes court
- Data Act (European Union)
- Data Governance Act
- Decriminalization
- Deed of gift
- Deem (law)
- Deforce
- Deific-decree
- Design Science License
- Development easement
- Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire
- Diminishment
- Direct examination
- Doctrine of colourability
- Domestic relations
- Duty to defend
- Duty to settle
- East African Court of Appeal
- E-bible
- Emphyteusis
- Environment Act 1986
- Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925
- Ernst v EnCana Corporation
- Etuate Tavai
- Examination support document
- Exhaustion of intellectual property rights
- Expert determination
- Expert shopping
- Extinctive prescription
- Eyes only
- Fair Use Project
- False lien
- Family patrimony
- Federal Rules Decisions
- Fieri facias
- Finance charge
- First Law Committee
- Food Act 1981
- Foreclosure consultant
- Forfeiture (law)
- Four corners (law)
- Free and clear
- Freedom of testation
- Free scientific research
- Galicia v. Trump
- Gannon v. Kansas
- Gibbs Salika
- GNAT Modified General Public License
- Good law
- Government bill (law)
- Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use
- Grand rights
- Grave disability
- Green v Hatchy Investments pty Ltd
- Grievance
- Guest statute
- Hague Guardianship Convention
- Harmon Doctrine
- Harm
- Harry Elias
- Hart–Dworkin debate
- Harvard Negotiation Project
- Headnote
- Heartbalm tort
- High Court of Botswana
- Highway authority
- Historic-artistic
- Historic waters
- Holding the Line
- Honour (style)
- Horizontal effect
- Hudson Formula
- Hungry judge effect
- Ibrachy & Dermarkar
- ID–WithoutColors
- Imminent peril
- Immutable characteristic
- Implied repeal
- Indeterminacy debate in legal theory
- Ingress, egress, and regress
- Inhibition (law)
- Injury (law)
- Innominate jury
- Institute for Legal Research
- Intentional contagion of infection
- Intergovernmental immunity (United States)
- Intermediate appellate court
- International Legal English Certificate
- International Open Data Charter
- International speech crimes
- Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
- Intracorporate Conspiracy Doctrine
- Involuntary dismissal
- Issue (genealogy)
- Iudex non calculat
- Jammu and Kashmir Constitution Act 1939
- John v Anon
- Joro the Paver
- Judgment creditor
- Judgment debtor
- Judicial officer
- Juris privati
- Jurisprudence of concepts
- Jurisprudence of interests
- Jury stress
- Justification and excuse
- Justitium
- Kommanditselskab
- KonTraG
- Kosovo Judicial Council
- Kuala Lumpur Bar
- Land exchange
- Land usurpation
- Latitat
- Law and Business Review of the Americas
- Law and motion calendar
- Law book
- Law broker
- Law Latin
- Lawmaking
- Law of Estonia
- Law of the Cayman Islands
- Law on Cooperatives
- Laws and regulations for electronic payment in Mauritius
- Law Society of New Brunswick
- Law without the state
- Legal and Criminological Psychology
- Legal constitution
- Legal doctrine
- Legalism (Western philosophy)
- Legal Knowledge Interchange Format
- Legal moralism
- Legal naturalism
- Legal recognition
- Legal science
- Legal Singularity
- Legal Tools
- Leges Genuciae
- Legislative Bill Drafting Commission
- Lesotho Court of Appeal
- LexML
- Lex rei sitae
- Liability waiver
- Life imprisonment in Mexico
- Limited jurisdiction
- Lineal descendant
- Litigation risk analysis
- Litigation stress
- Long cause
- Maine Attorney General
- Male captus bene detentus
- Malpractice
- Manypenny Agreement
- Martin Polden
- Memorandum opinion
- Mesopotamian marriage law
- Messenger of the Court
- Michael W. Jackson
- Miles v European Schools
- Milicogate
- Minister of Justice (The Gambia)
- Miss D
- Molmutine Laws
- Money Collection Act
- Moore's Federal Practice
- Moral certainty
- Moret Law
- Moroccan Dahir
- National Association of Immigration Judges
- National Probate Calendar
- Negative checking
- Nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans
- Nemo iudex in causa sua
- Neo-classical contract
- New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
- Nexus of contracts
- Nimz v Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
- No-action letter
- Nominal party
- Non bis in idem
- Nonpossessory interest in land
- Non-retroactivity
- Norðhymbra preosta lagu
- Norðleoda laga
- Nordre Vestfold District Court
- Note issuance facility
- Nuisance fee
- Nullum tempus occurrit regi
- Obreption and subreption (Catholic canon law)
- Obrogation
- O'Connor Justice Prize
- Official Assignee
- Officious intermeddler
- Offset (law)
- Oliari and Others v. Italy
- Open Directory License
- Opening statement
- Oral will
- Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
- Outdoor relief
- Overcharging (law)
- Overlawyered
- Ownership unbundling
- Pacogate
- Palace Law
- Papua New Guinea Constitutional and Law Reform Commission
- Paris, BN, lat. 4404
- Partial verdict
- Patent court
- Patrimony of affectation
- Pauper's oath
- Peculiar risk doctrine
- Pension regulation
- Perjury trap
- Permission culture
- Perpetual usufruct
- Personal Information Agent
- Personal rights
- Pilot Record Improvement Act
- Planning and zoning commission
- Playing Cards Act
- Plenary adoption
- Portia Hypothesis
- Positive covenant
- Possessory action
- Posthumous trial
- Postmodern law
- Poverty law
- Poynings' Law (confirmation of English statutes)
- Praelegal
- Predatory marriage
- Prediction theory of law
- Presentment
- Presidential exemption
- Press laws
- Presumption of paternity
- Presumption of sanity
- Prevention of Crime Act 1959
- Principle of conferral
- Privilege revocation (law)
- Prize court
- Procedural due process
- Product/process distinction
- Professional support lawyer
- Propination laws
- Protect Illinois Communities Act
- Provision (contracting)
- Public Access Scheme
- Public and private bills
- Public Interest Disclosure Act
- Public prosecutor's office
- Public use
- Pur autre vie
- Pyramiding (tax evasion)
- Qui facit per alium facit per se
- Race to the courthouse
- Rebuttal
- Referential bid
- Registrar (law)
- Regulation to Prevent and Combat Child Sexual Abuse
- Regulatory law
- Relationship evidence
- Relief defendant
- Repeat-player effect
- Reporter of decisions
- Residence permit
- Resident judge
- Res inter alios acta
- Retaliatory arrest and prosecution
- Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands
- Revised Statutes
- Rex v. Chisser
- Right of entry
- Rights Managed
- Román Solís Zelaya
- Royal Pragmatic on Marriage
- Royalty-free
- R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, ex p Rees-Mogg
- R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Fire Brigades Union
- Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal
- School district solicitor
- Second opinion
- Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992
- Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
- Security for costs
- Selective prosecution
- Separate opinion
- Session laws
- Sessions house
- Sexual Offences Act, 1995
- Shadow defense
- Shell bill
- Shifting burden of persuasion
- Ship arrest
- Shock probation
- Shoulder tap (alcohol)
- Sinirname
- Siyasa
- Slip and fall
- Small penis rule
- Smell rights
- Software law
- Sole custody
- Solicitor General of the Gambia
- Southmayd Professor of Law
- Sovereign Internet Law
- Specific devise
- Specimen charges
- Standby counsel
- Stanford Center for Internet and Society
- State liability
- State of exception
- Statute book
- Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union
- Statutory damages for copyright infringement
- Stick licensing
- Stipendiary magistrate
- Stovin v Wise
- Succession Act 1965
- Supernumerary judge
- Super statute
- Supreme Court of Cassation of Bulgaria
- Supreme Court of Justice (Cape Verde)
- Supreme Court of Vanuatu
- Syllabus (legal)
- Taxable wages
- Ten Abominations
- Tennessee Heritage Protection Act
- Thai labour law
- The Abbreviacion of Statutis
- Theory of Legal Norms
- Third-party custody
- Tools of trade
- Transactional law
- Treaty of Kruschwitz
- Truth (NZ) Ltd v Holloway
- Tucker v News Media Ownership Ltd
- Turkish Bars Association
- Turkish Penal Code
- Turkmenistani nationality law
- Ultramercial
- Underdeterminacy (law)
- Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Directive 1993
- United Arab Emirates Anti-Discrimination Law
- Unlicensed broadcasting
- Unregistered cohabitation
- Urban Wetlands Law
- V85 speed
- Vacatio legis
- Vavřička and Others v. the Czech Republic
- Virginia Commentary
- Voivodeship Administrative Court
- Voivodeship court
- Vollrausch
- Voluntary dismissal
- Warehouseman
- Warrant of restitution
- Water Protection Zone
- Weingarten Rights
- Weisthümer
- West African Court of Appeal
- West Indian Court of Appeal
- Witness Service
- Wordmark
- Writ of attachment
- Yorke Prize
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